Monday, August 2, 2010

Life Is Ever So Sweet

Life Is Ever So Sweet

Life is ever so sweet. Embrace it. Cherish it. Bless it.

There are times when life is put in perspective of precious and sweet it really is. This mainly happens when there is a tragedy or when a loved one dies. But we should not wait for these moments to cherish life.

We are blessed with each day. Cherish it. Embrace it.

Every moment of every day should be a sweet moment of life. Threw the happy times and threw the storms of life. Strength, faith, and hope are the things that give us the courage to weather the storm. And the same things that we use to appreciate what we went through.

We are blessed with this day. And this should be appreciated. Be thankful for what you have before your eyes. Thankful for the little things. Stand in awe of the day that you have in front of you. Hold on a little longer. Hug a little tighter. Love a little longer.

When those sad times enter your life think of this thought. Whatever soothes your spirit, comforts your soul, and brings you peace... that's what you are wished at this sad time. Remember those who are no longer with us.

Life is sweet. Embrace it. Cherish it. Appreciate it. Bless it!