Monday, August 2, 2010

Life Is Ever So Sweet

Life Is Ever So Sweet

Life is ever so sweet. Embrace it. Cherish it. Bless it.

There are times when life is put in perspective of precious and sweet it really is. This mainly happens when there is a tragedy or when a loved one dies. But we should not wait for these moments to cherish life.

We are blessed with each day. Cherish it. Embrace it.

Every moment of every day should be a sweet moment of life. Threw the happy times and threw the storms of life. Strength, faith, and hope are the things that give us the courage to weather the storm. And the same things that we use to appreciate what we went through.

We are blessed with this day. And this should be appreciated. Be thankful for what you have before your eyes. Thankful for the little things. Stand in awe of the day that you have in front of you. Hold on a little longer. Hug a little tighter. Love a little longer.

When those sad times enter your life think of this thought. Whatever soothes your spirit, comforts your soul, and brings you peace... that's what you are wished at this sad time. Remember those who are no longer with us.

Life is sweet. Embrace it. Cherish it. Appreciate it. Bless it!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

He’s Mine & I’m His

He’s Mine & I’m His

He is mine and I am his. I’ve said it before, he makes my heart happy. He is the one that my heart loves. He is my light, my joy, my love. We are together in this life for the long haul. Together through the good times and the bad. We will weather the storm of life side by side.

I will stand by his side. He is mine. I am his. Together, hand in hand. He stands up for what he believes in. He speaks his mind. He is stubborn and head strong. He is opinionated. Some may not understand this about him. But I love him for it. I would not change a single thing about him.

I don’t tell him enough but I appreciate and love every single thing about him. The light in his eyes. The love in his touch. The orneriness in his smile. He makes me laugh and smile with all these.

He is my best friend. He is my joy in my heart. He is the light of my life. He is the love of my heart.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The One My Heart Loves

I’d given up on love. I thought I would never find the one that my heart loves.

With Valentine’s Day approaching, I thought I would write about the one that my heart loves.

I write my feelings. I use my words. I have written about losing love, moving on, having fun, and living. But I have not really written about love. I have wrote how I have learned to love myself but not the one my heart loves because until now I had not found that person. Now that I have, here is our story.

Tony and I tried dating once. Last year. It lasted a few months. We had fun. But for one reason and another it ended. I was heart broken. But I lived through another heartache.

Then during the Summer ’09, we reconnected. We talked out our issues and problems. We talked about our heartaches and what we wanted to make us happy. At first we decided to take things low and slow. But there was something about him. A look he gave me. A smile on his face. A wink. A nod. I melted. The feelings that I had buried for him came back. Full force.

I tried fighting it because there was a person in my life that would not understand. She was there for me when he made me cry the first time and she would not tolerate him doing it again. I had to find the right time to tell her. It was hard for both Tony and I, trying to hide a secret. Caused problems for us and we tried to end things before we got started. But there was something there between us and we did not want to lose it again. So I mustered the guts and courage and I spilled my secret. She was upset. But she was willing to try and forgive. She did it for me. She did it for our friendship.

So that is where, Tony and I started again… We started our story over. And there was something different about us this time. And everyone saw it. But I was scared. I wanted to jump head first into the love that I felt but I was guarded. Guarded because of my past and our past. But I decided to just go with my heart. My heart had not let me down yet.

Now after 7 months we are going stronger then ever. There is something in his eyes when he looks at me. I feel like he is looking at my soul. There is something special in his touch. There is a love and trust in his hands and arms. Tony is my love. He is the one that my heart loves. I love him like I have never loved before. There is a passion, trust, respect, and appreciation like I have never experienced before. He makes me smile and laugh. He makes my heart happy! He truly is the one my heart loves!

My friends tell me that we complement each other. That we are truly each others better half. People say that there is a way that we look at each other and you can see the love. I know that I feel the love when he looks at me. That there is something special in a wink between us. Something when we hold each others hands. I feel the love and people can see the love. That is something special.

We have our arguments. We have our tiffs. But there is no one else that I would rather fight with. We are planning on a future. A long future with ups and downs. Highs and lows. Good days and bad. We will weather the storm together. He will be there for me and I will be there for him. Together, we can conquer anything. We want it all. Together. He is my love. He is the one my heart loves. There is something special about our love.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Chin up... Boobs out! Up and Over! Bless it and Let it go!

This is what I am trying to do! Trying with everything I have. I'm going to have to find away yet again. I sometimes think that I am too forgiving. I haven't forgiven this most recent act of his.

I have been told...
I'm resilient. I'm strong. I'm fabulous and that I have courage, strength, and dignity. I've been told that I'm inspiring and that I am respected. I've been told that my words bring hope or a lesson. I've been thanked for sharing my thoughts, my emotions.

These things make me happy. I am awed that someone would think of me in this way. I just write what I feel. I share my words, thoughts, and emotions.

I never thought that my struggles, my heartache, my life lessons, could affect someone else. Again, I share my words but I am grateful to know that I am helping in some small way.

"Those who do not remember the past are codemned to repeat it." - George Santayana

I believe in the above quote. I will always remember my past. Not remembering to hold a grudge, but remembering how to let go. Remembering the past for the life lessons, not having regrets. Remembering the past so time can heal and I can be grateful when I get swept off my feet.

"I am strong because I am weak. I am beautiful because I know my flaws. I am a lover because I am a fighter. I'm fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise becase I have been foolish. And I can laugh because I've known sadness." - Unknown.

This is another quote that I found that I believe whole heartedly in. I'm strong because of what I have live through. Everything that I have lived through. I've been through more than you think I have. I know that I am a beautiful person because I have excepted myself the way that I am. I am a fighter. I fight for what I want and what I love. I've been scared but lived through it. My foolish ways have lead to the wisdon I have gained. And I have had my fair share of sadness. I have grieved and grown.

I am just trying to the kind of woman that I would want my daughter to be. I am taking more control. And as Audra told me... "Line 'em up sister. Make 'em work for you." So that's what I'm going to do. Not sure exactly what it is yet. Still lining things out. Still figuring things out. And that includes a lot... My life. My work. My education. The newest D.G. mess. But it will all work out. What is meant to be will be. I am a believer in fate. I believe that everything happens for a reason. A reason for everything... There's a reason for it all. Even the simple things. That's what I believe. Now I'm ready for things to work for me instead of against me. But I'm sure there was a reason even if I can't figure it out.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Too Far Gone...

Too Far Gone...

He went too far. He crossed a line. And I will make him pay for it now.

I can handle what you do and have done to me. Bring it! My broad shoulders and steel in my spine can handle it.


And that's what you did. You have no integrity. Your shame is never ending. You destroy everything!

What you did was well over a year ago. But comfirmation was made to me yesterday. Why? Getting high was that important... You stole from my mother. You stole from my dead uncle. You stole an important memory from my mother, my brothers, my family, and me.

You will now pay for your sins in some way.

I have NEVER been this angry before in my life. The RAGE I feel in my soul is an experience like no other before in my life.

Causing you much harm is what I want. It is taking all the self control I have not to find you. It is taking all self control to get through the day. It is taking self control to type these words.

Rage is almost to the breaking edge. Remembering to breathe. Remembering that Karama is a bitch and a big bitch then I will EVER be!

Let's hope we don't see each other... I may end up with a misdemeanor charge of assult and battery.

Update on List of 'Going to Do'

Update on List of 'Going to Do'

Back on my New Year's blog I had posted a list of things that I was going to do this year. Well I have accomplished a few things on that list. A few things I am still working on. Just wanted to share my progress.

Ear piercing - check mark done... I got my rook pierced.

One tattoo - check mark done... February 28th with Audra. Words grace and dignity inside a pair of angel wings on my right shoulder.

Apply for grad school - check mark done... Not getting good vibes on being accepted. I'll just apply again next year.

Run the Susan G. Komen 5K - need to get back into the gym. Much needed cardio to be able to run it.

Being 'greener' - working on this one.

Blogging more - slacking on this one.

Read more books - this one I am enjoying.

Continue to pamper and spoil myself - this one is the best one to accomplish.

Continue to go to concerts - working on this years concert series.

Well that's a few things that I have been up too.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Grace & Dignity

Grace & Dignity

Part of my daily living.
Two words that describe me.
Two words tattooed on my shoulder.
The standard that I hold myself to.
Words that I am in love with.

I have settled the last of D.G.’s mess. Granted, I still owe the money but it’s less. Way less than the original debt. I no longer owe creditors or collection agencies. I owe just one bank. It’s a relief. Small relief but still a relief. Last week was a rough week. And it’s amazing how a simple form letter leads you to make a phone call and then after the phone call your day and rest of the week turn to shit. But it’s settled. And I had to rally every bit of grace, dignity, pride, strength, courage, and patience within my being not to track him down, punch him in the face, stare in his eyes and say “Fuck You!” But if I do that then he wins. He will know that he broke me down. I am not broken. I am not down. I am standing with steel in my spine. Grace & Dignity.

Working on letting this go… This recent BS just made the anger surface. No rage. I was angry all over again. Anger over lies, betrayal, heartache, and the loss. But I’m not staying down. I am not broken. I am so much better than all of this.

So moving on. No where to go but up. Chin up. Boobs out! I don’t have to live that time again.