Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Defining Myself for Myself

"If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive." - Audre Lorde

You can only live for yourself. You are the only person that you have to make happy. It's a journey to figure out who you are. But it is so worth all the work. You are worth it! I am worth it!

I have defined myself. I have found out who I am. I have discovered what I am made of. I know the kind of strong woman that I am. I am becoming the kind of woman that I would want my daughter to be. I know my strengths and weaknesses. I know my charms and my flaws. There are things that I cannot change. And I have learned that I don't have to change them unless I want to change. The only expections I have to live up to are my own.

I know that I am not perfect. I don't what to be perfect. That is a pedestal that I do not what to do place upon. I like the imperfections. The imperctions that I have embraced make me who I am. It is all part of defining who I am.

This is me. This is who I am. You can take it or leave.

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