Friday, April 17, 2009

Grace & Dignity

Grace & Dignity

Part of my daily living.
Two words that describe me.
Two words tattooed on my shoulder.
The standard that I hold myself to.
Words that I am in love with.

I have settled the last of D.G.’s mess. Granted, I still owe the money but it’s less. Way less than the original debt. I no longer owe creditors or collection agencies. I owe just one bank. It’s a relief. Small relief but still a relief. Last week was a rough week. And it’s amazing how a simple form letter leads you to make a phone call and then after the phone call your day and rest of the week turn to shit. But it’s settled. And I had to rally every bit of grace, dignity, pride, strength, courage, and patience within my being not to track him down, punch him in the face, stare in his eyes and say “Fuck You!” But if I do that then he wins. He will know that he broke me down. I am not broken. I am not down. I am standing with steel in my spine. Grace & Dignity.

Working on letting this go… This recent BS just made the anger surface. No rage. I was angry all over again. Anger over lies, betrayal, heartache, and the loss. But I’m not staying down. I am not broken. I am so much better than all of this.

So moving on. No where to go but up. Chin up. Boobs out! I don’t have to live that time again.

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